Interesting moment last week.
We were shooting some inserts for a pilot we've been working on for a couple months and planned the day so that--all going well--we'd be able to tack on a quick shoot at the end for me to do some 'stand up' segments for a re-release of one of our old series (one that I 'host') that might be getting some traction here at home and abroad.
I had spent a couple days the week before prepping. I watched the old episode, figured out what I was 'writing from' and 'writing to' then wrote the segments to time, matching what was happening thematically in the episode.
Then we shot it.
What was cool was that I did it all in one take (which is typical for me when I'm firing on all cylinders) and that I felt right at home doing it.
'Hosting' and interviewing are really the things I'm 'best' at on the showbiz side of things. I'm an average writer, an average producer but it's hosting/interviewing where I get the strongest reaction.
These standups were no different. When I finished, our key grip, a very experienced industry veteran, grabbed me and took a minute to express how 'great' this new show seemed and asked me when he could watch it.
When your grip becomes a 'fan' of your non-existent (as yet) show based on watching you shoot the standups it's a pretty good sign you might be 'on' to something.
Anyway, I was very encouraged.
I felt like I'd reconnected to my 'destiny'.
I've been mentioning this a bit lately, the idea of trying to figure out what you're really good at, the thing that you have at least a chance of being 'great' at, the thing that you can do better than almost anyone you know.
I've been trying over the past half-year to really knuckle down and do what it takes to get back to the place where I'm really working (as much as possible) in my sweet spot. This means trying to do less of the many 'other things' that I 'can' do to allow for the space to do what I 'must' do, what I'm 'called' to.
This can be tough when your 'calling' isn't exactly cash-flow positive just yet. So, I get it, a 'day job' is crucial during the transition time and, for me, being well into my 30's with 4 kids and a wife means my 'day job' has to be of the serious kind and one that I really devote myself to, but the trick I've been trying to learn is to do that work while bending myself more and more towards what I 'should' be doing, hoping all the while (believing) that funds will follow vision.
"Funds will follow vision..."
So, to stand up there and do those 'stand ups' felt like putting a stake in the ground. Felt like preaching has felt at my
church plant. Felt like me saying 'THIS is what I'm supposed to do so, by God, this is what I'm GOING to do..."
Come what may.
I'll keep you posted on how things go.
We're hoping and praying and working hard over here.