Monday, January 26, 2009

Where ideas come from...

So I'm trying to create something from nothing today.

Realizing full-well that the thing I'm looking to create--even if all goes beyond extremely well--won't see the light of day, or a screen near you until I'm 38 years old.

On a good day.

I'm trying to start getting my second feature-film set up.

The film is based on an idea I had.  An idea that I turned into the first twenty pages of a screenplay, back in 2004.  Then, a year or so ago, I started talking with a writer friend about that idea.  Wanted to see if he'd be interested in turning the idea into a full-fledged screenplay.

Well, he did.

And from the above picture--our attempt at an 'Area 51' like vista--you can guess the film will have sci-fi overtones.

It will.  It'll be called HARVEST.

(I'm speaking in faith now, noticed?)

The film will rock.  It will star known actors and be shot mostly in British Columbia.  In-fact, I found some of the northern Canada 'tundra' we're going to use to replace the Siberian sequence my writer-friend ended up putting into the thing, yesterday.

I'm feeling the idea being born on the inside of me.  That urge (like a pimple getting ready to burst) or drive to get a thing done or die trying.

And all of it--from urge to create to urge to pee while watching our movie for the first time--started with an idea, and that idea got better and better (and will eventually come to life) because lots of people poured their heart, soul, mind and effort into the thing.

That's worth noting for you, in your life and work today.

Yes, someone (you or someone else, doesn't really matter...) has to have the first 'vision' of the thing but that vision won't ever come to life until and unless you get a bunch of folks working on it together.

See, if an idea is a really good idea, it can only get better.

So, get your people going on those ideas. 

Nobody makes dreams come true alone.



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