We watch the sky for signs of rain.
And other provision.
See, I sometimes forget that this here blog is meant to document not just my 'personal' journey but my professional one as well.
The end-goal is to help me process things (hopefully finding wisdom, inspiration and humility in that process) and to--perhaps--inform your journey (hopefully inspirationally) in some small way as bits and pieces of my path intersect with yours.
So today I thought it'd be helpful to let you know that I need...
It's funny, I need money on two fronts.
On the CHURCH side of things I've just gotten in the final quotes for all of the gear we're going to need for start-up.
Here's how that looks:
Projector and Screen--> $4,778.51
Pipe and Drape & Signage--> $4,191.89
Sound System--> $4,899.73
TOTAL--> $13,870.13
How are we going to get it? Well, on the one hand I have no idea. I know that I need to buy it by the end of next week in order to have it all delivered and installed in time for our first Sunday service on September 13th, 2009.
On the other hand, I've reached out to four churches who've indicated that they'd be willing to consider helping us out with our start up costs. T'will be interesting to see if any of them decide to do something and what 'tenor' that provision ends up taking on.
I'm excited to let you know how that's going as the week progresses.
(real, 'from the trenches' type stuff)
On the FILM/TV side I had a meeting earlier this week with a big financier to see if he felt like a current project I'm developing had any merit. I'm thankful to be able to say that he didn't shoot me down outright--he seemed a wee bit intrigued--and that he'll let me know if he thinks the thing has any actual 'legs' early next week.
If he doesn't think there's any 'real' potential I'll have to go to my Hollywood contacts and tell 'em that--for now--I'm at a bit of an impasse. If he thinks there are actual steps we can take to try and make this happen I'll get to go to my Hollywood contacts and tell them that the work continues.
It's always one small step at a time.
And it's always about faith.
Believing that your provision's gonna' come.
And they KEY in all of it is to keep moving. Keep working. Keep leveraging. Keep doing things in a way that looks like you actually believe the sky is going to open.
It's almost like acting in faith is a prerequisite for faith.
Like unless you put yourself in a position where you're sure to fail unless something miraculous happens, nothing miraculous every will.
I'm currently reading this book and the writer hit me between the eyes when he said, "If you say you've never had a chance, maybe it's because you've never taken a chance..."
Words to live (and plant churches and develop film and TV properties) by...
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