Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Effectively speaking...

Okay, here's the question.

Are you 'broadcasting to no-one'?

I was walking to my car, after a quick supermarket visit, and noticed music playing. "Strange" I thought, "Why would there be music out here? I wonder where it's coming from?"

I looked around.


Megaphones. On the side of the building, facing an empty parking lot.

Broadcasting to no-one.

I immediately pulled out my phone and snapped the above shot, because it had occurred to me that I (and you) might be wasting parts of my/our life/lives, and work, broadcasting to no-one. Specifically, I got to wondering about the effort we expend in our lives and how much of that effort is focused in areas that will not yield much of a result.

The reason to consider this, is because your resources are finite. This is part of what it means to be 'human'. There's just not *that* much of you to go around. So, the effort you expend, because it's limited, better be expended effectively, no?

Am I broadcasting to no-one?

Are you?

How can I be more effective as a writer/producer/director? How can I be more effective as a preacher/pastor?

How can you be more effective in what you do?

Where should I be putting my focus, and where should you be putting yours?


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