Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Make the moment...

That's my morning devotions spot these days.

Here's the pattern.

Drive the kids to school, turn right instead of left out of the school parking lot (left is the quickest way home) and roll on down to the water where I sit with my Bible and read one chapter in the Old Testament (working through Joshua right now) one chapter in the New Testament (Romans) and one chapter in Psalms or Proverbs (I'm in Proverbs right now).

Make notes as I go when something jumps out at me. Review the notes when I'm done and pray into what strikes me most about the moment, then unabashedly ask God to bless the work of my hands, help me to make a difference, and learn to love Him more.

20 minutes.

That's all it takes.

It's a good pattern.

But, here's the thing, it's a pattern that had to be made. I had to decide to make the time in my day, had to decide to make it happen, had to do a bunch of practical things (from getting my Bible before leaving the house, to making sure I had a pen, to turning my phone and radio off so I can focus) to make it happen, then had to just sit in the pattern--not giving up too soon--until that pattern became a habit.

They say it takes 6-8 weeks for a pattern to become a habit.

What's really cool is that these 'manufactured moments' (I am making them happen after all...) have been turning into 'real' moments with God. I'm getting a clear sense of direction and leading as I sit there listening, as well as actual encouragement to keep going.

From something I *made* happen.

Granted, I don't make the 'miraculous' part of it happen--God does that--but I make myself available.

Make the the moment.

Do it. This week.


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