Thursday, November 15, 2007

Enough already...

So it's been months now, lurking around, reading four or five blogs with some consistency and (stop the press) actually getting something, quite valuable, out of the whole experience.  I guess, at heart, it's because I, like you...
Am a bit of a voyeur.
A voyeur who needs to be encouraged and who needs to learn.  A voyeur who's trying to find his way through to the life I had imagined having while living in the midst of the life that's 'happening' to me.
The other thing that's been driving me (a life-long 'non-diarist') in this direction is the slowly dawning realization that, in spite of my best efforts to ignore it, I'm starting to 'age' a bit and that means, among other things, that I have to exercise more and that my options (in terms of career etc.) are 'narrowing' but it also means that I've gained some (italics mine) limited experience (maybe I should've italicized the 'limited' too...) in what I do and that said experience might, in some small way, be of 'use' to some other voyeurs out there.
So what is it, exactly, that I do?
Well, I used to be a full-time preacher.  The kind who preaches at big concerts and small retreats.  The kind who started a small 'youth church' in the mid-nineties then another independent one in 2001.  A preacher, son of a preacher, son of a preacher, son (no kidding) of a preacher.  
Then I got into the movies.
Last year (2006) I directed my first feature-film.  I'm sure I'll be writing more about it as this blog unspools but it's enough for this first post to say that the experience (t'was a very small film with an even small budget) nearly killed me and (nearly a year and a half later) has opened up some very interesting new doors for me to, potentially, continue my trip into 'directordom'. 
I feel some things strongly about faith in practice and about organized religion.  I hope some things strongly about story and the art-meets-business of making picture-stories for the screen.
These themes will come up here and I'll try to be really honest about it all.
That way, at least somebody, even if it's just me, might get something out of it.

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