Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keeping at it...

Yup, 'Yours Truly' with THE Mr. Richard Lewis of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' fame.

Man, that was some interview.

At the end, the twenty or so people in the room (crew, plus staff, plus his 'posse') burst into applause.

Pretty cool.

He was shocked that this 'Preacher/Producer' was more 'blue' than he was. I figured, going in, if I'm going to try to go toe-to-toe with a guy as bright and talented and fearless as Mr. Lewis I'd best do my best to come at it in uninhibited fashion.

Based on the success of that interview and others, we're currently working on a new TV series for me, one where I'm actually ON camera interacting with the guest. Not a novel concept, to be sure, but one that I hope we can inject some freshness into.

It's not everyday a Preacher gets to sit down with H'wood's luminaries and pick their brains for an hour or so.

No, I'm not there as a 'Preacher', I'm there as a Producer, a Producer who's looking to craft (or in this case 'find') stories that speak to the essential questions of life.

Wrote the new one-sheet for it yesterday. I thought it was awesome. Predictably my Biz-partner called first thing this morning requesting changes to it. I didn't even argue with him. That's progress. I used to push back when faced with a request to adapt my 'creative vision' (or at least the way I'd communicated it) to suit an approach favoring the 'sales' side of the equation.

No more.

Call it 'maturity', call it desperation. Call it an urgent desire to just play my part in helping the other parts to do their thing to help move the entire enterprise forward--whatever. I'm just happy to do my part and if that means tweaking something so the sales guys can do their thing, well, I'ma get to tweaking.

I've started pre-production this week on a new 5-days a week TV series. We can't talk about it just yet but we're really excited to get working on it. As is always the case when you launch a new TV series, this year is going to FLY by. We'll blink and it'll be December and we'll be going, "Well, at least we've figured it out now..."

Seriously, I'm living my January like it's next December.

In other news a Worldwide sales push for UNSCRIPTED goes into place this month so that should a) get the thing seen by more people and b) set us up to shoot 100 more episodes this year. That's the goal on that one.

So that makes 360 episodes pending.

Plus we've got one more series that's started circling and our first feature film has been delivered to its U.S distributors, digitized and prepped and should hit theaters (maybe as many as 400) this spring--very exciting. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

I think we're also going to produce a second feature film this fall. We're just squaring away the rights with the writer in L.A. Additionally I think (think and hope) that we might finally be in the position shortly to pull the trigger on a graphic novel project we've been slowly gestating for a year and a half. Dunno' when we'll be able to green light that but I'm starting to get 'the feeling' and, usually, once you 'get' the feeling some kind of follow through isn't lagging too far behind.

Then there's my CHURCH. Man, we had the best sunday in our history this past week. I wouldn't be surprised if--within a year or so from now--I'm writing you to talk about how crazy things have gotten there.

Did our first 'altar call' this past week too. I was a little shy about it (stupid I know) but people really responded.

So much of life is just that, you know, doing what you know you need to do DESPITE the fact that you're scared out of your wits.

You look at things and think, "Man, I don't QUITE know how I'm going to do all this..."

Then you give your head a shake and think, "Man, that's a good place to be."


ps: we're also in 'offer' mode on our 'dream house'. Prayin' on that one...

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