Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Little steps...

THE WELL this past Sunday.

I was pretty happy with this shot (nice work Miki) when I saw it. Why? Well, it really 'captures' how I like 'church' to look. The 'big deal' about that is, in this case, something we're working on actually looks like what I hoped it might look like when we started.

A dream, turned real.

Granted, there's an awfully LONG way to go, we're nowhere near 'set', but I just thought it'd be key to note that all the little steps do eventually lead somewhere.

On another front, tomorrow I'll be in a network pitch meeting. On the one hand this is no big deal, who knows where this will go, the actual chance that one of the shows I pitch will get picked up and make it all the way to the screen is very small indeed.

Nevertheless, going to a network pitch meeting with five shows to sell (three of them already completed) is a dream, turned real. I wanted to be doing this ten years ago, would have given almost anything to get that kind of access. Today, this is not shocking for me. I call that progress.

All the little steps do eventually lead somewhere.

And since I'm a producer, let's think positive.

Imagine one of the pitches got picked up, heck, imagine three of 'em did. What would that be like? Well, I can tell you, it'd be awesome.

And, at the same time...

It'd be just another little step along the road called "What I'm trying to *do* with my life..."

One at a time.


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