Friday, March 16, 2012


That was the 'good' part of my morning. Sitting outside drinking coffee in my Muskoka chair, watching crazy Z chase the sky.

I am thankful for those kind of moments.

After that lovely start I came inside and reviewed two piece of media (a doc and a series) that we've been asked to give feedback on with an eye to potentially helping with a 're-imagining' of each product.

Very sobering.

I'm reminded that it's very easy for creative types to lose their sense of objectivity, and in losing it, it's possible for us to create work that, well, doesn't 'work'.

One of *the* key character traits a commercial artist (like a show biz person) must have is actual, legit, insight into what they do well and what they're just not so good at. You need to be able to appraise your *actual* talent level or you might end up chasing the wrong dream.

If you don't truly know good work from bad (especially in your own work) you're in big trouble.

I feel both sick to my stomach, and tremendously sobered.


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