Saturday, March 15, 2014

40 is the new...something.

My wife is taking me (and the kids) away for my 40th this week.

I actually turned forty a week or so ago and, to be honest, it wasn't that big a deal. I kept saying--when asked about it--that the 29 to 30 transition was much harder.

I think much of my 'relaxed' take this time 'round has to do with the fact that I'm basically doing what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing. Even in the midst of what has been a very difficult 10 months or so (since spring 2013) I've kept telling Niki that we're good, we're on-track, doing what we're called to do as best we can, so we should just relax, keep hoping and trusting and see what God is going to do.

A week away will be nice. It's been three years since we've done something like this. We're also going somewhere I've always wanted to go so I'm expecting that to fuel my imagination and my drive when it comes to thinking about, and executing, this next decade of my life, Lord willing.

So here we go. A new horizon, a new chapter.


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