Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Doin' work...

Thought some of you might enjoy seeing this.

I've been writing a lot about 'writing' recently.  Part of that is due to the work I've started doing on a new feature-length script.  It's been exciting to get back to flexing those particular muscles especially since, for the first time, I'm working with a writing partner which is proving to be quite fun.

In the midst of all that 'writing', today I sat down to start 'writing' my sermon for this Sunday at THE WELL, the new church I planted 13 weeks ago (together with my wife and four kids).

I'm preaching (of course) a Christmas series and this week I'm working from the prophecy Zechariah (the father of John the Baptizer) spouted the minute his tongue was loosed at the christening of his baby son.

It's a glorious passage.

As I was dissecting it I had to keep choking back the tears--and that's usually a good sign that the sermon (when rightly finished) is going to have some 'life' to it.

Figured I've been publishing charts and cards for our new screenplay, might as well publish the 'preliminary dissection' of this week's sermon.

Would love to see you come out and join us this Sunday to hear how the writing comes together--or (if you're one of my many international readers) you can podcast it.

I'm discovering hope in the process and my hope is that you will too.


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