Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Back to the start...

Last Friday I hosted a local TV show based out of the studio in which I got my start as a TV host/producer almost 18 years ago.

'Eighteen years ago...'


Show was fun. It was 'open line' which means it was at least possible that no one would call which would have left me sitting there for an hour and a half staring at the camera. 


But, that didn't happen. We had non-stop calls all night.

We were talking sex.

Well, sex and marriage.

Always a great 'go to' topic if you're looking to create media that begets a reaction.  

And a reaction we begot.

My blog (this here one) and my church's website spiked HUGE in the four or five days following my appearance. Literally thousands of visits in less than a week. 

Means people were watching and talking about it.


It was fun for me to go back to the first format I ever dipped my toe into as a TV guy.  I was still good at it, in fact, all these (18) years later I slipped into using the same catchphrases I used to use to elicit phone-in response.


The brain is like a muscle, it has memory.

The upshot for me was another affirmation (or stern reminder) that I 'inhabit' a very specific 'zone' in terms of my area of giftedness in show biz.  The upshot of that realization is twofold, 1) try to keep finding contexts that suit my limited ability and 2) work very hard when I'm in a setting that is outside of my area of giftedness.  

Just 'cause you're not 'gifted' at something doesn't mean you have to 'suck' at it but it does mean that you have to compensate for your lack of natural ability with tenacity, work ethic, focus and follow-through.

Anyway, t'was fun and a real learning experience.

You can enjoy the opener (and a laugh at my expense) HERE.


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