Friday, February 19, 2016

Keep at it long enough...

And it'll happen.

Trust me. I know.

I've been married 19 years and, through keeping at it and keeping at it and keeping at it, my wife and I have ended up in this weird space where we're lovers AND friends.

I've walked with Jesus 30 years and, through no strength of my own, after time and joy and pain and mistakes and victories and suffering and disillusionment and encouragement and evils done and received; I've ended up old enough to see (for myself) that Faith really does make good sense.

I've been writing screenplays 14 years and that there picture above is proof that, eventually, if you do the work, and learn the lessons, and apply both to each new project you undertake (no matter how mundane) eventually somebody will pay YOU to write THEIR film.

And, no, it's not a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar commission (that'd be nice; but only happens to a famous few, and even then, more ten years ago then today) but it's real money for a real project that is gonna take real skill, and time and toil to execute.

Pretty fun.

And, listen, I'm not being triumphalist. I'm writing this because *I* need the reminder. *I* need the encouragement every day, sometimes multiple times a day because, as you well know, life is just that hard and the struggle never seems to cease and things just don't ever seem to get easier.

Which is why we keep working.


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