Monday, July 12, 2010


That's the wife aboard our boat drifting offshore from our home while the Sun gets ready to set to starboard.  

Yesterday evening.

A nice moment.

And, lemme' tell you, we can use all the nice moments we can get right now.

It's, officially, "THE ELEVENTH HOUR!!" in our life right now.  If something doesn't go right today we're (again--and I must say I'm getting VERY sick of this...) officially in "Deep, deep, I mean, the deepest..."

You know the rest, it's a quote from THE GOONIES one of the best movies ever.

Yes, it's true, if something doesn't go right today me and the wife are in deepest doo-doo.

I don't want to talk too much (or at all really) about it 'cause 1) it comes off narcissistic 2) the wife doesn't like it when I'm TOO transparent in this here venue 3) I almost don't have any positive spin to put on it (which'll make you very depressed) other than to hope in the eternal which, let's face it, helps but also doesn't help (all that much--practically speaking) in the temporal.

So, I just wanted to say, for the sake of testimony (to prove it later) and for your sake (in case your life also is--or has been, or is getting--desperate) that we're officially, and technically and actually and really between a rock and a hard place and if something doesn't go right today, well...

You know the rest.



Coldplay: Steve Noble's hockey hotbed said...

I'm praying for you guys today dude. Hope all your hard work and passion pays off asap!

Jeff Kelly said...

I have been keeping y'all in my thoughts every day. Always darkest just before the dawn ...