Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back to basics...

'The Boat' again.  

Aha! but this time it's different, see?  A Canadian flag waving proudly in the rigging and brand-spanking-new roller furling up front.

Not that anyone but me would know.

And that's the point.

Only you know what needs fixing in your life, specifically in the 'focus' of your life.

What are you focused on?  What are you working towards?  What's the 'thing' that you do better than anyone else you know?

That's how you should be spending your days if you're trying to live off your gift and not just from trading away the hours of your life for cash.

But it's easy, along the way, to forget your 'thing' or, at the very least--as a result of the pressures and stresses of life--to forget what that 'thing' is, and how it was that you 'did' it.

Time to remember.

Time to fix.

That's what I've been doing lately.  Thinking long and hard about my 'unique gifting'.  I've been trying to do the very honest (and hard) work of actually appraising my self with as much cold objectivity (not the me I 'want' to be, but the me I 'actually' am...) as possible so that I can find (or re-find) my 'thing' and simply go about doing it.

Naturally, the transition period we're in, waiting for deals to close, going on seven months without generating any 'new' income, is factoring heavily in this frame of mind; if something doesn't change soon we're going to be facing quite the whirlwind over here.  However, since we've been 'here' before and have typically been delivered from uncertainty into heightened productivity, we're doing our best not to panic, working hard to 'listen'...

And doing some 'fixing' while we're at it.


1 comment:

Splurge Sisters said...

Let me know when it's time to mail the english muffins:) caron