Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just sayin'...

Now THAT'S courage.

As for me, I'm trying to put my words and faith into practice. Trying to help my wife back from the ledge without getting too impatient or unkind.

I'm trying to believe for 'good things' and find ways to begin 'caring' again as much as I can, given our new reality.

I'm shopping for that nine-seater (even though I can't afford it yet) and working hard on the pilot that might become a series and another new series (small one) and on getting things ready for syndication (and hopefully more production) on our flagship series.

I'm trying to partner with God in growing this little church of ours. Preaching hard, trying to lead well, praying a lot, trying to discern where the 'wind of the Spirit' is blowing, trying to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, seeking after 'righteousness' in my own life and walk.

I'm juggling money (or non-existent money) trying to get this house done and my boat in the water and our finances squared away once and for all (as if) and doing my best to give space in my mind and heart for 'redeemed dreaming' when it comes to what life I want to build in light of our new reality.

I'm talking to God a lot, telling Him my heart is breaking, telling Him I don't like this at all, telling Him to come quickly, asking Him how could He, asking Him for mercy and that He would draw near and mend our shattered hearts.

I'm also talking to Rob a lot. I figure the 'great cloud of witnesses' being what it might, I might as well talk to him.

People keep looking at me like I'm crazy, then I realize I must look it, mumbling away non-stop to the Lord and my Brother Robbie who's before His throne.

I'm trying.

That's what I'm doing these days.



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