Nothing like uncertainty to focus your vision.
I do realize that this 'season' of blogging may come across a little more 'mopey' than my "I'm a strong, cool, got-it-together kind of guy" self-image would typically be comfortable with, but them's the breaks when you're waiting for a deal to close.
Update on that:
Last I heard, days ago, the 'honcho' was going to look over the budgets then get back to us with what I was told would be a 'green light' as they wanted us to start actually working the first week of December.
Well it's the first week and I'm still waiting.
My biz-partner is fond of telling me that things are moving 'lightning fast' by 'corporate standards' and that I should relax. The harsh reality is that things aren't moving anywhere near fast enough for me, since it's Christmas and I've got four beautiful things to take care of.
See 'em up top? Lovely no?
One thing my parents never did (and my parents are wonderful by the way) was talk to us about money. We never really had any clear sense of what they made or how they managed their money. My impression (and I could be wrong, y'never know when your Mom might find your blog...) was that they kept it to themselves by way of sheltering us from the stress of it and because it was kind of a 'generational thing' inherited from their just don't talk about certain things.
I wanted to be a little more transparent with my kids.
Now, I've certainly not gone 'full disclosure' with them. They're not aware of the particularities of our current 'transitional financial state' but they do know that we're waiting for these 'deals' to close; to the point that they've started praying for it.
In classically 'childlike' manner, they're praying for the deals to close so that we can buy them the things they've asked for from us for Christmas. They've got no stress about the things they've asked Santa for since, according to them, "The Big Guy's made of money..." But that ne'er do well father of theirs, well he's gotta' close them deals. Sarah said at breakfast today; "Well, why don't you just close 'em daddy?"
My thoughts exactly.
So we wait.
And our mental state while waiting is increasingly fragile. Niki and I typically wake up stressed, don't talk much while prepping breakfast, calm down a bit by our second cup of coffee then ramp up to stressed again by lunch then off a bit for the busy afternoon, then back up for dinner after which we try to do our best to not think about anything other than the next episode of 'Lost' or the latest romantic comedy I've rented for her. And, yes, I'm aware that food has a lot to do with our emotional cycles.
In all seriousness, it's a dance to keep one's state of mind (and spirit) in healthy orientation. I keep thinking of Job and spurring myself on to love God in the midst of this 'dark' (relatively speaking of course, I'm consistently reminded that there are many [MANY] out there suffering to much greater degree than us...) season that's stretching on to two years now.
Niki said it yesterday... "Man, we've been 'church-less' for two years..."
Two. Years.
Jordie picked up on the phrase; "Yup', we're ChurchLess", like he likes how it rolls off his tongue. The kids have started lobbying for us to plant another Church. They still ask about our old one which is endearing 'cause when asked for specifics about what they remember of it, things get real hazy real fast.
Adding to the tension is the lack of a 'backup plan'. That'll cause your heart to constrict right there (and God help me if my Mother-in-LAW find this...) Amazes me sometimes. I wonder if I'm irresponsible or faithful. After thinking on it for a bit I tend to land on the latter, simply because I decided to sell my life out to following the path of faith many, many, years ago now. I don't really have any other options. As I've said many times before, it really does come down to whether or not you actually believe that God exists. If you don't, then live your life. If you do, well then, "My life is God's life now..." is how I put it once.
So, reduced to that kind of faithful foolishness, one has very little recourse but to live life moment to moment doing one's best to focus on all the beautiful things you encounter along the way while you wait for God to do His thing.
Things like a great egg and cheese sandwich made for my wife and I this morning. Things like a great sex life (oops, Mom or wife might be reading this...) and a marriage that is still glorious after nearly eleven years. (We were sitting by our Christmas tree this week, eggnog to hand, candles burning, and Niki looked over at picture of us on the wall. "We've been doing this a really long time." She said. "I'm so amazed it hasn't gotten old."
Things like glorious kids with eyes that shine.
I've been thinking about atheism lately (there's been some ruckus about it and connected to me at an online community I'm part of) and I just can't square it with my gorgeous kids or the lovely way in which the bark on my backyard tree spirals up towards the sky.
None of those beautiful things make any kind of sense in a world with no God.
Last time I checked, 'natural selection' didn't care about beauty, just survival (and don't go commenting about how 'beauty' enhances reproductive ability...I already thought that one through...) and all around me I see...
The beautiful things.
So I keep on believing.
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