Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Looking forward...

I'm a constant 'looker-forwarder'...

Good thing too.

See, life is full of crap times. Sunday was one of 'em. Had to go put the boat 'to bed' for the winter. That sucks.

The process takes most of 5 hours, from de-rigging, to un-stepping the mast, motoring over to the crane, waiting your turn, getting lifted out, waiting for your bottom spray turn, getting put in your spot, then wiping the boat down by hand.

And there's no reward at the end.

Unless you have faith.

Faith that you'll live to see another spring, faith that you'll face it with a bigger boat, faith that your work will shape up to allow the aforementioned.

Without faith it's impossible to please God (the Bible says) or yourself (I say).

Seriously, how can you be happy without believing for good things in the midst of bad things?

"But what if you've been beat down so much that you just can't find strength to believe anymore?"

Believe me, I feel you.

But, for me, though the days are often dark, I find no other way but to keep my eyes to the East, watching for the sunrise.

Even in the midst of winter I believe Spring is coming.

Looking forward...


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