Sunday, January 11, 2009

by increments...

Okay, so that's me (yes, it's my blog and I can cry if I want to...) on-set tonight, directing one of my shows.

My senior editor took the shot just as we were starting to roll.

The black thing in the right side of the frame is one of five monitors I'm working with.  The room around me has about twenty people in it.

The studio we're shooting in is 'our' studio.

Yes, we're behind, but not so far behind that I need to kill myself (just yet) and not far enough that I haven't experienced something like it (or worse) before.

All that to say this.

I'm making a little bit of progress.

And for you that means:

1) If you keep at it (whatever 'it' is in your life) you'll eventually start getting better at it and having more success.

If you're not, you might be doing the wrong thing.

2) Life can be nice in the midst of the nasty if you take a second to recognize it.

A film set is not the World's most serene place but if you have the inner sense that it's going to be okay, a sense born of experience and rooted in mercy, you can enjoy even the ups and downs of a high pressure life or situation.

And for many (many) years there was much less 'nice' in my nasty and if and as things got better they only got a little bit better one small step at a time.

So try not to assess your life all at once.  If you take a snapshot of any given moment in time, chances are the picutre's going to look bleak, because you won't notice the little changes that are piling up all the time as you keep moving forward.

It may only be after years and years of living through a fairly intense journey that you begin to notice that it's a little easier than before.

You'll notice that it's getting better.

By increments.


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