Sunday, March 28, 2010


Blogs are a funny thing.  

One the one hand they're--to some degree--a 'marketing' tool.  A way for you to get your ideas out there, a tool to built awareness of the things you do.

On the other, they're supposed to be a glimpse inside your process, or the genesis of your perspective. Ideally that's supposed to help you (and your audience) learn, think, process and be inspired.

Hard to be honest.

Anyway, wanted to just drop a quick update ('cause I said I would--and I'm regretting it a bit) re: my 'new' notes for preaching.



Totally blew it.

That's how I felt about today's sermon.  I actually felt a little embarrassed.  I realize that 'embarrassment' (in a preacher) can be idolatry in disguise so I've worked really hard to not give in to it or wallow in it but that's the simple truth as to how I felt after getting done today at THE WELL.

I forgot this part about church planting.

The ups and downs.

Last week was awesome.  Near record attendance, record offering, great worship and strong preaching.  This week half our core was away, worship was lackluster and the preaching stunk.

It'll be like this for two to three years.

It just takes time for a church plant to stabilize.  

My 'take aways' from today:

1) If it 'aint broke don't fix it.  Just because I've been writing and preaching sermons the same way for fifteen years doesn't mean I'm in a rut, lazy or complacent.  I need to just keep doing what I've been called/given to do without apology or pretense.

2) It's good to listen to the 'creative urge' to try something new.  If it succeeds, great, you've made tangible progress.  If (like today) it fails, you've learned something that will help grow you (towards tangible progress) and you've had a humbling experience.

3) Make sure I do the work necessary (knowing it's not all up to me...) to do better next week because, I mean, dang...

At lunch after (a veggie burger and chocolate shake to help cheer me up) my wife reminded me to repent of my desire to 'do well' and my tendency to assume that my analysis of an event is the 'objectively true' take on what happened.  She also told me to ask Jesus why things went the way they did today so (as I always do) feeling a little silly about it I asked Him right then and there, while she was still suggesting it, and (as always happens to me when I do this silly thing) the answer formed in my mind immediately.

"So that you will remember to love Me..."

For whatever that's worth.

(whatever that's worth)

Love. Him.

Keep at it.

Remember that neither Rome, nor you average humble suburban church was built in a day.

I'll try to do better next week.

(Easter Sunday: on the one hand, I think I should do better 'cause what preacher worth his salt wouldn't. On the other, that just upped the ante right there didn't it?)

Oh well.

I'll take my own advice from my worst sermon of the year so far...

"Sometimes good enough is GOOD enough..."


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