Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday evening...

Yes, they came as an 'Avatar' and 'Bjork at the Oscars' to my birthday party last year.

For the full post for this evening please visit...

As for me, the grief comes in waves fewer and farther between today compared to yesterday. I'm almost cried out, but then--at the slightest provocation--I'm undone again.

I've been using all my 'Producer skills' (such as they are) to get things organized--on a practical level--for both families and, thanks to the help of many and the blessing of God, things are going quite smoothly.

Great things are happening around this terrible tragedy.

I was going to preach Sunday at THE WELL but, upon his return, my Dad asked if he could so, naturally, that's what's happening. If you're in the Burlington area this Sunday and would like to be there as Dad preaches FOR his Son-in-Law and for Jesus' fame please join us. We are just a small church and will have lots of room should you decide to pop by.

Sunday, 10:30am...

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