Friday, July 24, 2009

burnin' through it today...

Some days you end up getting a lot done.

Today's one of those days.

I remind myself--days like today--to be thankful on the good days and to resist depression on the days where I feel like I'm wasting my life.  I've found--in creative enterprise--that you can't 'force it' or make magic appear out of nowhere.

The Spirit (the muse) will do what it'll do when it's good and ready.

You can't rush it.

But when you feel the juices flowing you better put your head down and motor.

The above shot is from the 'one sheet' (a brief page describing a TV show or movie proposal) I just delivered (along with a production breakdown) for a televised special we'll be shooting later this year (probably in the fall) for delivery and airing winter 2009.

It'll be on the debate between straight evolution and intelligent design.

We're working on getting some pretty big names involved.

It's going to be fun.

Watch for it, all across Canada, later this year.

And watch for the Spirit inspiring you in your life friend.

Then (like me) get back to work.

Another 'local pastor meeting' coming up for me in forty minutes.


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