Married a lovely lady.
'Cept she was a girl (20) then.
She looks much the same today as she did that day. I remember the day I knew I'd marry her. She was wearing a plaid bikini. No, it wasn't by the pool that I knew it, it was walking in the forest with her before. Know what did it?
She reminded me of my Mom.
No that 'aint weird, until I met my wife, my Mom was the best woman I knew. Smart, kind, hard-working, beautiful, friendly, bright-eyed, motivated, committed, kid-friendly, self-confident, spiritually alive.
Nik was like my Mom, first woman I'd ever met who resonated that way.
"Better marry that one quick. She's like a Ferrari..."
That's what my Dad said that day.
Guess he saw the same reflection I saw.
I know you hear it from folks like us all the time, "The years have just flown by. It just keeps getting better. I love her more today than the day I first fell in love with her." I know you don't believe it.
Believe me.
Love that girl.
That Niki.
My girlfriend.
Yes, she's my wife, has been for 14 years but, to me, she's still my girlfriend. That's why you marry a girl isn't it, so she can STAY your girlfriend forever?
Smokin' hot one too.
Love ya' Niki.
Oh yes.
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