Monday, March 23, 2009

this weekend...

The logo for the special I shot this weekend.  Courtesy of Creative Director Chris Jones and his team.

Real quick weekend. 

Flew out Saturday morning.  That was cool.  Flew on the new 777 and was really impressed.  I don't remember ever really being comfortable on a plane--except for the couple of times I've flown business class.  This beast was comfortable everywhere.  The bathrooms have faux mosaic floors and enough space to stand up straight and then some.  The overhead bins have more space than you'd ever use (try that on for size) and the ceilings, accented with violet decorative lighting and so high you feel the opposite of claustrophobic.  

Arrived in Vancouver to the first sunny day in almost two weeks.  Got to my hotel and went walking.  Stumbled across HMCS Regina (a really cool Canadian Navy Frigate) and sat staring at her for an hour or so.  Went to see 'Knowing'.

Next day, up and out for breakfast by 6:45am local.  Sat by the sea for two hours, like an old man.  Studied, prepped my questions, hit the studio and shot for four hours.  The shoot went well.  Walked home (home?) walked back to the theater and saw 'Watchmen'.

Up at four AM today, in the air by 6:00am local.  Home by 2:30pm EST.

THRILLED to see my wife and kids.

Here's what hit me on the weekend...

1) The only thing people talk about on the street is relationships or work.  Seriously, listen in on them as you walk.  Relationships and their work.  Why do I mention this?  Because if you're a communicator you want to connect and to connect you have to know what your audience is thinking about.

Relationships and money.

That's what they're thinking about.  Just so you know.

2) Life is all about undulations.  You're up and you're down and you're up and you're down.  But if you look closely you'll see that--through the ups and downs--you've made some headway.  I left the studio Sunday feeling very nonchalant about what we'd just done.  No big deal.  Another day, another nationally televised one-hour special.

See it?

Since when did I get nonchalant about producing and hosting a one-hour special that will be televised in prime time across the entire country?

I would have KILLED for that opportunity when I was 24.

It really hit me that life--despite the fact that most days I still feel 22--is progressing.  I am--despite the ups and downs of my net worth--making headway and am further along today then when I started.

Another example.

I got an email on the weekend that's a significant step forward on 'DEATH'S DOOR' the dramatic TV series we've been developing that I mentioned here a couple months back. If you remember those posts (or check 'em out) I had pitched the series to a big local network and it didn't seem to go well.

I was feeling a little down.

Anyway, as of this weekend, we're signing a co-development deal with a production company in NYC.  Said prodco has a dramatic series currently airing on ABC.  They're in the real stream.  

So, how do I feel?


And why's that?

Well, for one I know that it 'aint NEVER over 'till it's over.  Once we finish episode 78 and get the first syndication strip contract signed and I cash my cheque and take my wife and friends out for dinner with it, THEN I'll take a deep breath and enjoy it.

That'll be ten years from today.

Until then, I'm just determined to get to work.

Thankful for every opportunity certainly, but very chilled out about it.

Tomorrow I'll hit you up about the necessity of loving every pitch while knowing that most of the things you love will die.

For now--it's red wine and my wife.


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