Friday, August 7, 2009

choose your own adventure...

Even a random pile of flotsam can look nice if you get your perspective right.


Life is what you make it.  Or, as I've been known to say, "choose your own adventure".

I realize there are some who would debate the theology with me.  Typically the more 'charismatic' you are the more paralyzed you are, meaning, you spend so much time trying to figure out, discern or 'receive' the 'perfect will of God' that you never actually 'do' anything.


That'll kill a life man, lemme' tell ya'.

Here's what my Daddy taught me.  He said, "Look, when God's not talking to you (ie: not giving you any concrete direction) you talk to God.  You tell Him, 'Lord, you're my Father, You love me and I know I'm called according to Your purposes so I believe that You're working all things together for good for me.  I also know that anything that's not rooted in faith is ultimately rooted in sin so here's what I'm going to do, as unto You, and since You're my Father I trust you to lead me.  Whether I fail or succeed I trust you to work this out according to Your plan.  If I'm not supposed to do this I trust You to stop me.  So here I go..."

And then you leap.

Allow me to say that every time I've done this in my life (and it's been many times) I've either a) succeeded in the thing I set my mind to do or b) failed miserably, slamming myself into a Divinely-placed brick wall.

And I'm still here to talk about it.

The successes have given me momentum to keep building.  The failures have made me wiser and more compassionate.  

So I say 'go for it'.  Stop dithering.  Stop waiting.  Stop thinking that the 'perfect scenario' is going to magically appear.

When it comes to God we're not talking about magic.  We're talking about faith and trust and (pixie dust?)  the supernatural.

None of which you can control.

So before you go quitting or dithering take a look around you 'cause you just might be standing next to a pile of flotsam that's looking to be turned into something if only you can bring a new perspective to it.

Like your life.


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